My name is Chris McCandlish. I like to code. I like to write. Most of all, I like to tell stories. This site tells mine.

Tech: Javascript, JQuery, Underscore, Sass

Flixar recommends movies based on a user's mood and tastes. Starting with a general mood, the choices get absurdly specific until the app recommends three films and provides plot summary and other info pulled from IMDB's film API.

Tech: BackboneJS, Ruby on Rails, Underscore, Sass

Sipster is a hipster drink name generator. Simply pick your mood, and Sipster pulls two unrelated words from its database and combines them into a drink name. The drinks don't actually correspond to the mood - it's just meant to be fun.

Tech: AngularJS, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Sass, Amazon AWS, Paperclip, Dropbox

Riff is a music app that allows users to upload a spontaneous recording of themselves singing or playing an instrument, which other users can respond to with a "riff" of their own. Though it's still a work in progress and there is work to be done on the UI, the main challenge was uploading and storing audio and integrating Angular and Rails to make it happen.